Wednesday 19 January 2011

(22 Mar)Millie, Mak Shuk Ping, talks on Maureen Connor, Thinner than you, 1990

Date of presentation: 22nd March 2011

•Artist: Maureen Connor

•Title : Thinner than you

•Year : 1990

•Medium : Steel

•Dimension: 152.4 x 40.6 x 20.3 cm

1.Criticizing the narrow standards of beauty and sexual attractiveness

•Stereotype: thinness = a symbol of success (e.g. in relationship)

•Tightly stretched dress: Show the pressure that women faced

•Extreme thinness: raised the extreme consequences: anorexia and bulimia

2. The status of female in society
•Empty dress: the concept of “empty vessel”(body drained of the illusion of soul)

•Women body symbolize a kind of sexual object

•‘Gaze’ is included in the artwork

Do you think an actual woman body (with legs and arms.etc) and face should replace on the artwork?
And why?

I would not replace an actual face or body. I would remain the original.

I think the negative spaces in sculptures resemble empty stage of human, like waiting for soul presence.

Which match with what Maureen wants to express, the missing soul of women.

Also, it could provide more space for spectators to think and put themselves in the situation more easily

without actual face.

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